Recent reads – devotional books I’m loving

This past semester, I’ve been incorporating more devotional books into my daily time with God. This small change, coupled with a new appreciation for prayer, has completely revolutionized how I see and relate to God. I wanted to share some of the most impactful books I’ve read so that you can pick them up ASAP and start reading!

These devotional books have revolutionized how I see and relate to God, so I wanted to share some of the most impactful ones!

Every morning, I’ll usually read a chapter of one of these devotional books, along with whatever book of the Bible I’m studying at the moment. Using devotional books as a supplement to my regular Bible reading has brought me so much clarity, knowledge, and truth.

It’s also been so great to read 4 out of these 6 books with other people. Community is such a beautiful gift, and I’ve found that learning from others as we read is so valuable to my faith.

These devotional books have revolutionized how I see and relate to God, so I wanted to share some of the most impactful ones!

Wild and Free

No exaggeration – but this is one of the best devotional books I’ve ever read. If you only read one book on this list, it should be Wild and Free. It was all over social media when it first came out, but I never got around to reading it until this semester. My sister and I picked it up to read together, and now we can’t stop recommending it to everyone!

Wild and Free changed the way I view God and the way I view myself. God isn’t a tame God – he’s wild and majestic and powerful. Because we’re made in his image, we don’t have to live in captivity to comparison, busyness, expectations, or anything else! We can’t live in both fear and freedom. We don’t have to be everything to everyone. We are free to live out our God-given calling today.


I’ve read Uninvited twice now, and it gets better each time! There is so much liberating truth contained in these pages. Like Wild and Free, this book also speaks to our identity as daughters of Christ, and how we don’t have to be defined by rejection. We are defined by a love that is greater than all others – a love that invites all of us in.

Uninvited has helped me change how I look at my circumstances – they’re not random or chaotic. They’re part of God’s transforming grace in my life!

Dance, Stand, Run

The concept behind Dance, Stand, Run is almost revolutionary to me. We talk about grace all the time (which isn’t a bad thing!) but maybe we sometimes lose sight of our holy calling by being so quick to “give grace.” Grace and holiness is a balance for sure – one that I’m working on understanding and living out. I’ve had so many “aha” moments when reading this book. I’m excited to see how Jesus will continue to teach me what it means to give grace and strive for holiness without living in cheap grace or falling into legalism. One thing we can be sure of: we are in a place to “dance in grace, stand firm in holiness, and run on God’s mission.”

These devotional books have revolutionized how I see and relate to God, so I wanted to share some of the most impactful ones!

Let’s All Be Brave

I first read Let’s All Be Brave in my sophomore small group at NC State. This book taught me that there is courage inside me already because of my identity in Christ. It also showed me how God answers prayers and overcomes fears. He makes us bold and confident and helps us embrace challenges and hardships!

She Reads Truth

This is another one of my favorites! She Reads Truth was a continual (and needed) reminder that this world we live in is passing away. But God is the only one who is permanent, and so we have to hold tight to him, to truth, and to the gospel. That’s the only way that we will conquer fear, doubt, and trials.

The Scars That Have Shaped Me

The Scars That Have Shaped Me changed my life. The author, Vaneetha Risner, suffers from polio and had had 21 surgeries by the time she was 13. She lost a child and was left by her husband – but has found love for the sovereign God. Her writing is real and raw. It doesn’t shy away from the pain of suffering. I found this book exactly when I needed it most – when I was struggling with doubting God’s goodness in suffering. Reading through this book, I found that grace that doesn’t always deliver – but it does sustain – and that’s a greater gift.

Any more devotional books I should check out?



